Tuesday 27 October 2015


In Term 2 we planted poppies to remember the soldiers who went to war. They are now flowering and look amazing. 

Shake Out

On Thursday we took part in National Shake Out Day. At 9.15 the practice earthquake struck and we all followed the 'drop,cover, hold' procedure. We liked making ourselves into turtles and were really pleased it wasn't real. 

We used the experience to imagine what a real earthquake might be like and then wrote some amazing narratives.

By Veronica

One morning I was on the ipads. Suddenly a bash came through the room and the ground started to shake. I was scared. It was an earthquake! I dropped, covered and held. It felt like a rocket flying into Room 8. I did not like it because it felt like I was out of control. When I came out from under the table the pictures were off the wall. I lined up outside. I was happy that the shaking had stopped.